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Create to Learn, Learn to Create: Devising a Curriculum and Lesson Plans Using Theatre for English Language Classes in Japan, 2024

Identifier: te_2024spring_matsushima_sora.pdf

Scope and Content Note

From the Series:

The series contains Master's theses from 1943 to present. The theses consist of either a production book and a media component or solely a production book. The production books were originally submitted as physical bound copies, but were later submitted digitally. The physical production books are stored offsite and the digital production books are stored in the College's preservation repository.

The media components consist of U-matic tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays and changed to digital submissions in 2020. There are also a handful of audiocassette tapes and one USB. The media components are stored onsite at the Archives.


  • 2024


Conditions Governing Use

The thesis is restricted due to FERPA, permission from the author is required before you can view the thesis.


65 pages

Language of Materials

From the record group: English

From the record group: Chinese

From the record group: Spanish; Castilian


"Learning different languages is not an easy process for everyone and requires lots of time and effort. In Japan, English has been taught as a foreign language in schools for decades. However, most of the students cannot use English as a communication tool in practice because students are sitting at their desks and teachers just convey their knowledge, even though the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and teachers have been gradually changing their approach. I believe that theatre can help improve the quality of language education in Japan because it requires vocal, physical, and emotional involvement, even if there are some challenges because of cultural differences. This project discusses Japanese culture and the challenges of bringing theatre into Japanese classrooms, and suggests a possible alternative approach to teaching English more effectively through theatre in Japanese classrooms." -- Abstract

Physical Location

RG 010.01D Performing Arts

Physical Description

65 pages

Repository Details

Part of the Emerson College Archives and Special Collections Repository

Walker Building, Room 223
120 Boylston Street
Boston Massachusetts 02116 United States
(617) 824-8301