Photo box 8
Contains 88 Results:
84671, 1965
Person; Event; Buildings and Grounds; Administration -- President; Administration -- Trustee; Union Dedication
84672, 1965
Event; Person; Buildings and Grounds; Administration -- President; Administration -- Trustee; Emerson College. Alumni Association; Union Dedication
84673, 1965
Place; Buildings and Grounds; 96 Beacon Street -- Exterior; 96 Beacon Street, Exterior
84674, 1965
Event; Person; Buildings and Grounds; Students -- SGA President; Students, Class of 1965; Administration -- Trustee; Union Dedication
84675, 1965
Event; Person; Buildings and Grounds; Alumni, Class of 1918; Alumni, Class of 1937; Union Dedication
84679, 1965
Place; Buildings and Grounds; 96 Beacon Street -- Interior; Emerson College. Student Union; Cafeteria
84676, 1967
Event; Place; Buildings and Grounds; 96 Beacon Street -- Interior; Emerson College. Placement Office; Career Day at Emerson
84677, 1967
Event; Person; Administration -- President; Emerson College. Student Government Association; Dedication of Mckinley Communication Center
84678, 1977
Place; Buildings and Grounds; 100 Beacon Street -- Exterior; 96 Beacon Street -- Exterior; 100 Beacon Street, Exterior; 96 Beacon Street, Exterior
84651, 1979
Event; Person; Development; Administration -- President; Grumpy's Benefit For Scholarship Fund
84639, 1980
Event; Thing; Emerson College. Alumni Association; Alumni Weekend; Centennial Display
84640, 1980
Event; Person; Administration -- President; Administration -- President Emeritus; Faculty -- Communication Studies; Emerson College. Alumni Association; Alumni Reunion
84656, 1980
Person; Place; Thing; Students; Buildings and Grounds; 130 Beacon Street -- Exterior; Students Miscellaneous; Emerson College Sign
84658, 1980
Place; Housing; Buildings and Grounds; 534 Beacon Street -- Interior; Dorm Room
84699, 1980
Place; Buildings and Grounds; Housing; 150 Beacon Street -- Interior; Dining Hall
84702, 1980 - 1989
Robbins Speech, Language and Hearing Center was also referred to as the Robbins Speech and Hearing Clinic, Robbins Speech Clinic, Robbins Clinic, and Robbins Center. Place; Buildings and Grounds; Speech Pathology and Audiology; 145 Beacon Street -- Exterior; Robbins Speech and Hearing Clinic; Robbins Speech Clinic
84704, 1980 - 1989
Place; Buildings and Grounds; 150 Beacon Street -- Exterior; 168 Beacon Street -- Exterior; 150 Beacon Street, Exterior; 168 Beacon Street, Exterior
84705, 1980 - 1989
Place; Buildings and Grounds; Housing; 4 Charlesgate East -- Interior; Charlesgate Lobby. Charlesgate Hall was also referred to as Charlesgate Hotel.
84706, 1980 - 1989
Place; Buildings and Grounds; Housing; 4 Charlesgate East -- Exterior; Charlesgate Dorm, Exterior. Charlesgate Hall was also referred to as Charlesgate Hotel.