Cancelled Checks 2621-2651, 1921-07
Scope and Contents
The Western Bureau was a satellite office for the N.Y. Clipper Magazine. The Western Bureau sent weekly expense statements back to the New York office which contained a fair amount of detail along with some receipts. These statements are organized chronologically. Each folder contains the contents of one month, which are further separated by week. The Western Bureau Office appears to have closed abruptly according to the letter sent with the last weekly statement in May 1917 although no explanation is given. All statements were signed by Casper Nathan, the Western Bureau Manager.
The bank statements from the New York office list the checks written out by amount, but no other information is provided so the cancelled checks have been arranged by check number. A few of the checks were made out to businesses such as the Chicago Telephone Company which helps to connect the two offices. Many of the checks were payment of bills from various companies (telephone, engravers, paper company, rent, press, etc.) while others were made out regularly to individuals. A few of the names regularly seen on these checks are; Harry Rose, Sidney I. Rankin, [David] Schwartz, Charles Colvin, Oscar Doob and R.D. Boniel. All of the checks are signed by the Treasurer and President of the N.Y. Clipper, Frederick C. Muller and Oeland W. Vaughan respectively.
There were a fair number of checks made out to cash (roughly two each week or about two of every ten checks) and all of them were endorsed by the Treasurer, Frederick C. Muller. All checks made out to cash were discarded because of a lack of information on them. Also contained in the financial documents were charge slips from the bank describing discrepancies of the account balance or records of cancelled checks. As they offered the same lack of information as the checks made out to Cash, they were also destroyed.
The first four folders of this series contain a note about a lack of certificates for 4 registries (not present in this collection), blank forms to purchase ad space, I.O.U.s between the New York Clipper and Mutual bank, and account adjustments.
- 1921-07
- From the Collection: New York Clipper (Organization)
Language of Materials
Records in English.
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open to researchers.
From the Series: 1 linear foot
Physical Location
Repository Details
Part of the Emerson College Archives and Special Collections Repository
Walker Building, Room 223
120 Boylston Street
Boston Massachusetts 02116 United States
(617) 824-8301