Oscar Snyder, 1920-09-11
Scope and Contents
This series contains the registered works arranged according to their assigned registration number. There are several people who registered many works at different times, and several people who registered multiple works under one number, which is indicated below in the box list. The name of the registrant may be the company manager, the writer, the actors, or a third party submitting on their behalf. The role of the registrant is typically found in the contents. The title of the individual works may also be found within the contents of its folder.
Early registrants expressed congratulations to the Clipper Registry for its creation and also gratitude for allowing them to have a place to copyright their acts. As previously stated, names with an asterisk (*) next to their name indicates a registry envelope only and no contents. Note that some of the contents of the other envelopes may be extremely minimal with only a quick note with their name on it with no accompanying original work. Many of the items are damaged or difficult to read due to age and past storage conditions. Registry number 1561 appears to have a duplicate and each are housed in separate folders as there is currently no relation known between the two.
The following is a short list of notable items to be found in the collection: N.Y. Clipper certificates can be found in folders 184 (Billy DeRose, Eddy Rhodes), 565 (A. Singleton Adams), 581 (Jack Usher), 850 (C.K. Neiheisel), 886 (The Washington Gray Band), 1028 (Austin O’Huhn) and 1212 (Florence M. Fitts); an example of the Registration Label to be placed on a registered work can be found in folder 534 (Joseph L. O’Connor). Joe Laurie Jr. is folder 1375 for those looking for his original script of “WhatIka?” He was known as a likeable man and sometimes called the “pint sized comedian.” When working with Antonio Cortelli (folder 477) or Florence Brennan (folder 478), Mr. Cortelli’s song is referenced in Ms. Brennan’s play. It is inferred that they were written to go together, but each wanted to maintain their own name for copyright. Joseph La Deux is a nom de plume (pseudonym) that was registered by Adolph H. Kuster in folder 768. Works can be found registered under both his real name and his nom de plume. Artie Edmunds, the “Pocket Hercules” is folder 639.
- 1920-09-11
- From the Collection: New York Clipper (Organization)
Language of Materials
Records in English.
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open to researchers.
From the Series: 22 linear feet
Physical Location
Repository Details
Part of the Emerson College Archives and Special Collections Repository
Walker Building, Room 223
120 Boylston Street
Boston Massachusetts 02116 United States
(617) 824-8301